:py:mod:`symfem.elements.regge` =============================== .. py:module:: symfem.elements.regge .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Regge elements on simplices. This element's definition appears in https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02733251 (Regge, 1961), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00211-011-0394-z (Christiansen, 2011), and http://aurora.asc.tuwien.ac.at/~mneunteu/thesis/doctorthesis_neunteufel.pdf (Neunteufel, 2021) Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: symfem.elements.regge.Regge symfem.elements.regge.ReggeTP .. py:class:: Regge(reference: symfem.references.Reference, order: int, variant: str = 'point') Bases: :py:obj:`symfem.finite_element.CiarletElement` A Regge element on a simplex. .. py:attribute:: names :value: ['Regge'] .. py:attribute:: references :value: ['triangle', 'tetrahedron'] .. py:attribute:: min_order :value: 0 .. py:attribute:: continuity :value: 'inner H(curl)' .. py:attribute:: last_updated :value: '2023.06' .. py:method:: init_kwargs() -> Dict[str, Any] Return the kwargs used to create this element. :returns: Keyword argument dictionary .. py:class:: ReggeTP(reference: symfem.references.Reference, order: int, variant: str = 'integral') Bases: :py:obj:`symfem.finite_element.CiarletElement` A Regge element on a tensor product cell. .. py:attribute:: names :value: ['Regge'] .. py:attribute:: references :value: ['quadrilateral', 'hexahedron'] .. py:attribute:: min_order :value: 0 .. py:attribute:: continuity :value: 'inner H(curl)' .. py:attribute:: last_updated :value: '2023.06' .. py:method:: init_kwargs() -> Dict[str, Any] Return the kwargs used to create this element. :returns: Keyword argument dictionary