:py:mod:`symfem.geometry` ========================= .. py:module:: symfem.geometry .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Geometry. Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: symfem.geometry._is_close symfem.geometry.parse_set_of_points_input symfem.geometry.parse_point_input symfem.geometry._vsub symfem.geometry._vdot symfem.geometry.point_in_interval symfem.geometry.point_in_triangle symfem.geometry.point_in_quadrilateral symfem.geometry.point_in_tetrahedron Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: symfem.geometry.PointType symfem.geometry.SetOfPoints symfem.geometry.PointTypeInput symfem.geometry.SetOfPointsInput .. py:data:: PointType .. py:data:: SetOfPoints .. py:data:: PointTypeInput .. py:data:: SetOfPointsInput .. py:function:: _is_close(a: sympy.core.expr.Expr, b: int) -> bool Check if a Sympy expression is close to an int. :param a: A Sympy expression :param b: An integer :returns: Is the sympy expression close to the integer? .. py:function:: parse_set_of_points_input(points: SetOfPointsInput) -> SetOfPoints Convert an input set of points to the correct format. :param points: A set of points in some input format :returns: A set of points .. py:function:: parse_point_input(point: PointTypeInput) -> PointType Convert an input point to the correct format. :param point: A point in some input fotmat :returns: A point .. py:function:: _vsub(v: PointType, w: PointType) -> PointType Subtract. :param v: A vector :param w: A vector :returns: The vector v - w .. py:function:: _vdot(v: PointType, w: PointType) -> sympy.core.expr.Expr Compute dot product. :param v: A vector :param w: A vector :returns: The dot product of v and w .. py:function:: point_in_interval(point: PointType, interval: SetOfPoints) -> bool Check if a point is inside an interval. :param point: The point :param interval: The vertices of the interval :returns: Is the point inside the interval? .. py:function:: point_in_triangle(point: PointType, triangle: SetOfPoints) -> bool Check if a point is inside a triangle. :param point: The point :param traingle: The vertices of the triangle :returns: Is the point inside the triangle? .. py:function:: point_in_quadrilateral(point: PointType, quad: SetOfPoints) -> bool Check if a point is inside a quadrilateral. :param point: The point :param traingle: The vertices of the quadrilateral :returns: Is the point inside the quadrilateral? .. py:function:: point_in_tetrahedron(point: PointType, tetrahedron: SetOfPoints) -> bool Check if a point is inside a tetrahedron. :param point: The point :param traingle: The vertices of the tetrahedron :returns: Is the point inside the tetrahedron?